Our Team

  • Jon Kammeraad, Writer, Director, DP

    Creativity and Organization don’t always go hand in hand… Well, there’s nothing new here… Jon pushes the team to deliver high-quality projects on deadline and within budget. A skilled Writer and Director, Jon is skilled in juggling moving parts, while never losing site of the big picture. His Passion for story and watching our clients grin with satisfaction drives him to reach farther and raise the bar on every project.

  • Freelance

    Viktor Johansen, Producer / Director

    Organization and down to earth people skills make Viktor the greatest freelance Producer/Director to ever work with JOKER. From scheduling to keeping a set moving forward and on time, Vik is the White Rabbit of the JOKER Team. He allows Jon his time in the creative clouds, but knows when to pull him down so the Team can move on to the next shot. There’s no bones about it, Viktor keeps the JOKER CREW well oiled and rust free.

  • Jeff Kammeraad, Producer / Editor

    Jeff and Jon have been making movies since they were kids. The crew has picked up on their nonsensical language that was developed over a life long journey of childhood filmmaking. With a knack for story and an ability to zero in on pacing, Jeff has developed the skills to get the Post Production Processes moving.

  • Justin Smith, Cam Op / Grip / Yeti

    Justin is an Axe Throwing Machine! When he isn’t at the Range, he is keeping the JOKER CREW organized. Sorting Gear and keeping Cameras Rolling, Justin is no doubt the unsung hero of the team. If we feed him, he doesn’t complain “too much”. So we keep a good supply of snacks on site and Justin just keeps moving. He leverages his charm and sense of humor to keep the JOKER CREW laughing and in good spirits.

  • Jim...

    Doesn’t have pictures…